1 302
blog posts
184 photographed species of 405 (45%)


Big Year 2024

The winner will submit the pictures of the largest number of bird species taken on the territory of Tajikistan during this year.

You can see previous years competitions results here: 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023


* number inside brackets means the number of species photographed in 2024

all species photographed in 2024

* in order of appearance (number inside brackets means the date of first record "month-day" )
1. Bar-tailed Treecreeper (2024-05-18)
2. Little Forktail (2024-05-18)
3. Carrion Crow (2024-05-18)
4. Blue Whistling Thrush (2024-05-18)
5. Egyptian Vulture (2024-05-19)
7. White-capped Bunting (2024-05-19)
8. Red-rumped Swallow (2024-05-19)
9. Common Nightingale (2024-05-19)
10. Common Sandpiper (2024-05-19)
11. Common Myna (2024-05-19)
12. Rock Pigeon (2024-05-19)
13. Barn Swallow (2024-05-20)
14. Eurasian Griffon (2024-05-20)
15. Desert Lark (2024-05-20)
16. Eastern Rock-nuthatch (2024-05-20)
17. Finsch’s Wheatear (2024-05-20)
18. Alpine Swift (2024-05-20)
19. Masked Wagtail (2024-05-20)
20. Common Kingfisher (2024-05-20)
21. Long-tailed Shrike (2024-05-20)
22. Rufous-tailed Scrub-robin (2024-05-20)
23. Black-headed Wagtail (2024-05-20)
24. European Turtle Dove (2024-05-20)
25. Blue-cheeked Bee-eater (2024-05-20)
26. Spanish Sparrow (2024-05-20)
27. Clamorous Reed-warbler (2024-05-20)
28. Lesser Kestrel (2024-05-20)
29. Shikra (2024-05-21)
30. Common Hoopoe (2024-05-21)
31. Lesser Grey Shrike (2024-05-21)
32. Pied Bushchat (2024-05-21)
33. Western Marsh Harrier (2024-05-21)
34. Indian Sparrow (2024-05-21)
35. Turkestan Tit (2024-05-21)
36. Ménétries’s Warbler (2024-05-21)
37. Purple Heron (2024-05-21)
38. European Roller (2024-05-22)
39. Yellow-eyed Pigeon (2024-05-22)
40. Glossy Ibis (2024-05-22)
41. Short-toed Snake-eagle (2024-05-22)
42. Sand Martin (2024-05-22)
43. Red-headed Bunting (2024-05-22)
44. Mistle Thrush (2024-05-23)
45. Indian Golden Oriole (2024-05-23)
46. Greenish Warbler (2024-05-23)
47. Rock Sparrow (2024-05-23)
48. Pied Wheatear (2024-05-23)
49. Oriental Turtle Dove (2024-05-23)
50. Common Blackbird (2024-05-23)
51. Plumbeous River Redstart (2024-05-23)
52. Eurasian Magpie (2024-05-25)
53. Cetti’s Warbler (2024-05-25)
54. Brown Dipper (2024-05-25)
55. Grey Wagtail (2024-05-25)
56. Grey-necked Bunting (2024-05-25)
57. Variable Wheater (2024-05-25)
58. White-winged Woodpecker (2024-05-25)
59. Blue Rock-thrush (2024-05-25)
60. Citrine Wagtail (2024-05-25)
61. Goosander (2024-05-25)
62. Streaked Laughingthrush (2024-05-25)
63. Black Redstart (2024-05-25)
65. Rock Bunting (2024-05-25)
66. Lesser Whitethroat (2024-05-25)
67. Chukar Partridge (2024-05-25)
68. Crimson-winged Finch (2024-05-25)
69. Common Wood Pigeon (2024-05-25)
70. Yellow-breasted Tit (2024-05-26)
71. Red-fronted Serin (2024-05-26)
72. Persian Wheatear (2024-05-26)
73. Turkestan Shrike (2024-05-26)
74. Mongolian Finch (2024-05-26)
75. Red-billed Chough (2024-05-27)
76. Sulphur-bellied Warbler (2024-05-27)
77. Mountain Chiffchaff (2024-05-27)
78. Oriental Skylark (2024-05-27)
79. Hill Pigeon (2024-05-27)
80. Hume’s Whitethroat (2024-05-28)
81. Hume’s Reed-warbler (2024-05-28)
82. Eurasian Hobby (2024-05-28)
83. Golden Eagle (2024-05-28)
84. Himalayan Griffon (2024-05-28)
85. Hume’s Short-toed Lark (2024-05-28)
86. Hume’s Leaf-warbler (2024-05-28)
87. Yellow-billed Chough (2024-05-28)
88. Himalayan Snowcock (2024-05-28)
89. Horned Lark (2024-05-28)
90. Isabelline Wheatear (2024-05-28)
91. Desert Wheatear (2024-05-28)
92. Lesser Sand Plover (2024-05-28)
93. Ruddy Shelduck (2024-05-29)
94. Great Crested Grebe (2024-05-29)
95. Brown-headed Gull (2024-05-29)
96. Tibetan Sandgrouse (2024-05-29)
97. Common Redshank (2024-05-29)
98. Lammergeier (2024-05-29)
99. Northern Wheatear (2024-05-29)
100. Twite (2024-05-29)
101. Rosy Starling (2024-05-31)
102. Spotted Flycatcher (2024-05-31)

Big Year 2024

1. Andrey Bazdyrev (102)

rare birds records

rare birds were not found yet

recent video

2018-04-03. Little Forktail (Askar Isabekov).

2018-04-02. Eastern Rock-nuthatch (Askar Isabekov).

2018-03-29. Common Kingfisher (Askar Isabekov).

more video...

unidentified birds


Николай Балацкий: Молодая горная, вероятно.


Аскар Исабеков: уверен, что это не обыкновенная овсянка - совсем нет желтого цвета. думаю, что это молодая горная овсянка. пока перенес на определение.

more unidentified birds...